Begin the process of estimating construction costs with us. The heart of TRA-SER is the accurate pricing you need to win bids, but our program offers even more: product updates for your MEP estimating system, instant price quotes from your suppliers, access to spec sheets, catalog pages and lots of other data.
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TRA-SER for Electrical Contractors
Looking for accurate electrical parts pricing? Our huge product and pricing database can be used by itself, or in conjunction with your electrical estimating software and it’s kept constantly up-to-date so when you bid, it’s done with the precision that gets you the job.
TRA-SER for Plumbing and Mechanical Contractors
Get accurate plumbing, piping and HVAC pricing to help you win more jobs. Our huge product and pricing database can be used on its own, or can update your plumbing, piping and HVAC estimating systems so that you can bid faster and with the precision that gets you the job.
TRA-SER for ICT-Low Voltage Contractors
Professionals in the Information & Communications Technology (ICT-Low Voltage) industry use our specialized parts pricing to win more jobs. With thousands of telecommunications and audio/video parts, you’re sure to find the pricing you need to bid more accurately.